The stimulation of the sustained student's intellectual development in a didactic to development.



teaching-learning process, metacognición, active methods, intellectual development


The current conception of the pedagogic models, is centered in integrative conceptions, with an organization of the process of teaching-learning developer, what favors the didactic strategies of the educational one and the learning tasks that the one designs, constitutes fundamental elements of the daily chore of its work, since they allow him, if they have been well selected, to direct in an efficient way the process of teaching-learning of the concepts and the development of the abilities of the subjects that it imparts. On the other hand, the demands that today is outlined to the school, demand of new challenges as for the different search in ways of to teach and to learn and mainly that they reveal the students the procedures that allow them to learn how to learn, so that they make them aware of their own learning processes and evaluation (metacognición). For it, the objective of this article consists on offering the teacher some didactic and methodological ideas starting from methods, procedures, technical, organization forms, curricular and complementary learning activities, for the appropriate address of the process of teaching-learning developer. The methodology uses it was centered firstly in a documental study about stimulation of the student's intellectual development sustained in a didactic desarrolladora and then they took the results of observations to class and educational activities, the pedagogic experiences of the authors of the investigation like educational of the superior education that it allowed to conclude that the teaching-learning process in the contemporary class needs of upgrade toward productive methods of to teach and to learn.


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How to Cite

Matos Columbié, C., Matos Columbié, Z. de la C., & Pastrana Corral, S. A. (2024). The stimulation of the sustained student’s intellectual development in a didactic to development. Iberoamerican Journal of Health and Social Research, 2(1), 26–35. Retrieved from



